Jake is going to have a new playmate!!!!!! That's right gals and guys....I'M PREGNANT!!!!!
I'm only a little over 4 weeks pregnant. I have not gone to the doctor's yet...i'll go at 8 weeks. My due date though is almost Jake's birthday!!! It's anywhere from August 24-26. I was due with Jake on august 26 but he came on Aug.30.....So almost exactly 2 years apart!!!
We have been trying for 6 months to get pregnant again. This time around was certainly longer than the first 2, but it has really been ANOTHER opportunity to trust the Lord's timing for us. We are SO GRATEFUL to the Lord for this HUGE HUGE BLESSING!!!!!
I LOVE being pregnant, I LOVE knowing that there is another life being formed in me, I LOVE reading all the details of what is happening every day with my little one, I even LOVE feeling sick and exhausted!!! I LOVE talking to other random pregnant women in malls, stores, check outs, ANYWHERE!!!! So as you can tell, I LOVE it all!
I have been so busy with our trip to colorado that I really haven't had time to be tempted to fear another miscarriage. I know my sin filled heart needs to be on guard against this HUGE temptation that seems to accompany every pregnancy. God is faithful and good and He has a plan for this little one, whatever that may be. Please, everyone, be praying for hasty #2 and as well my heart, that I may GLORIFY and TRUST God in this pregnancy and focus more on this blessing than on worry or fear of the ''what ifs''.
I invite you all to feel free to ask me how I am doing in this area.
Also That I would have enough energy while I work 2 afternoons a week for the old family I used to nanny for. It's only till May, but I know 3 kids those days might be more work(yeah I know juli,becky,jess,are laughing right now)
I worked 45+hours a week till I was 2 weeks due with jake, with that family, so I never have been used to ''taking it easy'' during pregnancy, so hopefully I will be used to it.
I hope you all like pregnancy updates because there will be A LOT of them!!!
I will post pics of the wedding later....