Sunday, November 25, 2007


Thanksgiving this year in the Hasty house turned out to be great! I had my doubts seeing how this year would be our first year spending it just as a family...just the 3 of us. James did not get friday off this year so we had to stay home and not travel. James and I spent a of time in the kitchen together cooking while Jake napped. James did the cornish hens and I cooked the rest. Cooking together is something we LOVE to do but hardly ever get a chance to do together. A lot of good conversation comes from these times together! I love that my man can build/fix ANYTHING, can break boards in karate with his bare hands and knows the difference between rosemary and thyme and what that will taste like in a marinade(no making fun guys!....)!!!!!God TOTALLY knew how to pick the man for me!!!!.;)........anyhow, back to thanksgiving....
I really wanted this year to be special so I put some time into decorating the table and centerpiece. We also used our nice white linens and our nice dishes. I was so busy cooking that i forgot to take any pics:( I pulled together a lot of ideas from on of my all time favorite authors, Edith Shaeffer from ''the art of homemaking''...geez i love her!!!!
Jake was in such a fun mood and he loved that his daddy was home all day! Do you know that after cooking all that I did for that ''special'' day...he didn't like any of it!!! So Jake had a pb&j sandwich for thanksgiving dinner!!!!!!!!
On Friday and Saturday we put up Christmas!!! This year we decided to be ''retro'' and buy a REAL tree! we went to Hodges dairy farm and picked one out. totally reminded me of ''the Christmas story'' movie! we love our real tree! they were so nice usual at Hodges dairy farm that I highly recommend going there!
Although we did miss the noise and laughter of family members....we really did enjoy this year as a family! We might even do it again next year!!!


Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you all enjoyed your little day together. What fun memories & traditions your starting too!

Lindsay said...

Yeah!! Real trees are the best! How kind of God to give you a wonderful day together as a family!

Unknown said...

Aw, that really does sound sweet! And it reminds me that I haven't seen James break a board in a REALLY long time...I think it's time to break out those skills again!

Wagener family fun said...

This was our first year cooking in our kitchen together for Thanksgiving as well. It sounds like you were blessed with your time in the kitchen together. This will be one Thanksgiving you will remember for years to come.

Anna said...

What a special time! What a seet time- it sounds like.