Saturday, November 3, 2007


Every year the WHOLE family goes over to james parents house for yummy food and trick or treating. they all pile on the golfcart and go down one street to trick or treat. Jake loves to be around his 5 cousins and this year we had more family show up!...we did miss monica and her kiddos! Jake was a frog....maw-maw gave him a BIG bag full of candy, but daddy stole it and took it all to work....thank you!!!!

Jake has been HILARIOUSE lately! He really has his daddy's personality and humor! He loves when we sneak up on him and scare him...he laughs so hard! just like his daddy! he's taking his time with not quite walking yet. He will use his walking toys a lot and cruise around all the funiture so i think it will be soon. He has been so cheerful and fun, especially when he wakes up. He says ''uh-oh'' now for everything. He will drop something intentionally so he can say it. I'm starting to find his toys in the most random places....found one he put in the fridge when i wasn't looking and i hurt my foot steping in the shower on a plastic cow. It reminds me just how much my life has changed! ....James and i often wonder, what did we DO for the 5 years we were married before we had him? does anyone else remember life before kids....yet i really, really cherish those years getting to know my husband and it being just him and !. okay...i'm are the pics!.


Rebecca said...

I was just thinking the other day how I couldn't really remember what life was like before having a baby. Isn't it wonderful? :)

Robin said...

It does seem hard to remember life before baby...BUT, I do remember the 4+ years before Chelsey was born. We were busy, we were constantly together, we went on vacations that are a distant memory because now we can't afford those luxuries! But I wouldn't change a thing!!!! That's a blessing and it seems even more so 16+ years later!

The Pennells said...

Jake was so cute!