Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ATTN: LIFE CHANGING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so... in light of all that is bad in the world and as well in us....I thought I would give a bit of an escape by sharing the BEST makeup secret I have EVER discovered!!!!(okay so i didn't discover it, i saw it on t.v) Do you want to know just how to keep your makeup from melting off in 200 degree weather? Where it won't even look messed up at the end of the day?


Yes, my girlfriends, that's what I said, the laxative stuff! You know you all have it in the house already. I experimented right before our west wing white house tour(I'll post about my trip later, this is FIRST priority) I was really hoping I would not break out in hives or something, This tip is from a big Hollywood makeup artist, and this is his secret trick he uses to keep celebs makeup to stay put. So I put it on a cotton ball and rubbed it all over my face and let it dry quickly and then applied my makeup. And let me tell you 10 hours later my makeup looked STILL good! And this is through taking a 3 hour 100 degree whether Washington tour and playing with all the kiddos. I was shocked! I have only done it once so i will see if my results are the same again. So, ladies I hope I gave you all a useful tip for these hot summer months. No comments about vanity please!:)


Hilary Ann said...

Ooooohh . . . thanks for the tip! I can't wait to try it =) If it could withstand last weeks temps, it should be good for pretty much any weather!

meghann said...

let me know if it works for you! hope mine wasn't a fluke!

Topharmers Wife said...

Well since we are talking about sin issues, we can talk about my pride. I want to try this but I am too prideful to buy that stuff! What would the people checking me out think! :)

Hannah said...

Yeah,I looked and I don't have any on hand. Actually I don't think I've ever purchased any. Sounds like a great idea though. I'll have to try it.