Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wagon Rides

Every morning this is what we do. Eat breakfast and then go for a wagon ride!!!! Jake got this wagon from maw-maw and paw-paw and papa powers. He LOVES it!!! I do too! we walk up and down the street several times and then play bubbles or pick up rocks or simply, he will crawl on the driveway looking for anything, especially pine needles and ants to shove in his mouth. We are really trying to take advantage of the nice cool mornings. I have started to have a bit more of a schedule for our day lately. It prevents me from sticking him in front of the t.v. all day too. He is doing ''room time'' two times a day as well, for 30 min. a piece. I think he is starting to enjoy it too. This will hopefully be a good transition when he drops down to one nap a day, to be used to room time so during the morning I can get things done.
I actually taught him how to get into some of the kid-friendly kitchen cabinets......i know some of you are like ''why?!!!''. You see, Jake LOVES his momma SO MUCH that he would love for me to hold him alllll day! And this provides a way for him to play close to me in the kitchen. It really has been great.
Some more bittersweet news.....Jake is off bottles AND formula!!!! I breastfed till 10 months when I was ready to start ovulating again so we could start trying for baby #2. I used a little formula till a couple weeks ago and now he is just on cow's mile and doing great! But I do kinda miss being able to hold him and he actually be STILL!!!! :)
Lots of new things here in the hasty household!

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

I love the little update and window into your life with little Jake. Sounds like you all are doing great...there is lots that can be learned from you! Alathea got a wagon at back in June & loves hers too- we've been doing the daily wagon trip as well. Fun memories we're creating! Looking forward to seeing you Thursday...