Friday, September 7, 2007

Teething help

HELLLLLPPPP!!!!! I need some good advice on teething remedies with my little man! He is cutting hie eye teeth at the same time and has been crying/whining constantly over the last 2 days! I feel SO bad for him! I have tried orajel, motrin, tylenol, teething washcloths and sticking them in the freezer, cold stuff, etc. nothing really has helped. He will get distracted for a few minutes but then feels his pain again. I have even taken him in to the pedia. thinking he had an ear infection,nope she said those teeth are the WORST to cut. any advice that i have not tried would be greatly appreciated!!!!


Wagener family fun said...

The best remedy for this is to go to any drus store or I have always gone to Wal-Mart and purchase Oil of Cloves. You will have to ask the pharmacist where it is because it is hard to locate in the store. It is in a tiny brown bottle and is AWESOME!!! All you have to do is dab a small amount of the oil of cloves onto a q-tip and apply to areas where he is teething. It is a little strong so, he may cry for a second but it will numb him naturally and it lasts for a good while. We learned this from our Pediatrician who is into natural remedies. Also for diaper rash use Malox and Aqua 4 lotion mix together and the next day the reash will be gone.

Lindsay said...

I will be praying for you and the little man. Piper really has a hard time too when she is getting her teeth. And she almost always gets an ear infection too with teething. Sounds like you have done everything I would have done. Maybe he needs some special daddy time? And Mommy needs a break:)