Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New dishes

I forgot to post pics of the dishes so here they are. The pics don't do them justice.They are very simple. Any suggestions on colors of napkins and I need to get napkin rings. I saw something on a craft website on making your own rings...I just might bust out some ''suzy housewife '' on ya'll and make them myself!!!!Scary. Any suggestions of what you all do to decorate and make your home purty is very welcomed and very needed! And here are some pics of Jake's room. Everything cool in there is either made by James or thought of by him, he is soooo creative. I feel like I need a bathing suit and sunblock when I go into his room.


Denise said...

Hey Meghann,

That was so sweet of James to not only pay attention to your "ramblings" about things you'd like to make your home a heaven, but then to go get the stuff! You are blessed!

I'd think that a tan or yellow linen or damask napkins might go nicely with the plates.

P.S. Jakes's room is cute!

Unknown said...

Your whole table looks really nice. Is this you guys eat every night??? I'm impressed!

meghann said...

no, i don't set the table like this everynight but i try to make it a little more fancier than paper plates and dixie cups :)

Topharmers Wife said...

Umm now you can have us over for dinner!