Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Vaccine info help!

Does any of my readers know of a good website with a list of the first 2 years of vaccines for children and the ingredients they contain? I have found a few websites but have been a little confused on terminology of the ingredients. Any websites that are a little clearer would be helpful. Mainly looking for mercury and aborted fetal anything in them. I know some of you have taken the time to do a lot of research in this area....thanks!!!!


Lindsay said...

Meghann, I have a great book on vaccines. It goes through each disease, like measles, etc... and explains what it is, the duration of actually getting the measles, the side effects of it, then it explains each vaccine, what is in them, and the side effects of getting them. I think it's called. "Vaccines, are they really safe and effective?" You can borrow it.

My fav website is Mercola.com. He has GREAT info on everything health related and tons of articles on vaccines. He goes through lots of research and posts the things he feels are helpful. I have learned tons from him.

Good for you for researching this!

meghann said...

thanks lindsay! i will start with the website, and maby then ask to look at your book.....my time on the computer seems to be a little limited these days due to projects and getting ready for baby:) this im sure will help me narrow my search!

3orange1blonde said...

I am almost done with "The Vaccine Book" and I loved it. Cheap on amazon.com

Anonymous said...

I have "The Vaccine Book" and would be glad to lend it to you. It is mainstream medicine so you won't find speculation on the unproven theories about vaccines (only facts on the proven risks), but he does suggest using an alternative vaccine schedule due to concerns over the ingredients and overwhelming a child's immune system. You can also learn a lot about the latest on vaccines at this website: http://www.adventuresinautism.blogspot.com/