Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Hey everyone! sorry we have been MIA lately. first off we just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes for all of Austin's family over the last few weeks.

We just got back from our little family vacation to myrtle beach on monday. we have not been able to go anywhere as a family due to school for james, so in between his last test we were incredibly blessed by james sister lalena in letting us borrow her beach house for a few days of what we thought would be a relaxing, sun-filled time! :)
Sooooo, it was raining and/or overcast and cold the WHOLE time! bummer...i didn't get a tan...still pasty! my dreams of frolicking in the sun and sand with my family where kinda squashed. so we hung out a lot on the deck at the house and watched the ocean from afar! okay so not that big of a deal..i can deal with the weather.......but then on friday......we got into a car accident!!!! it was pretty bad. everyone is okay, so very thankful for that. someone hit our car on the passenger side where jake and i sit at 50 miles an hour. we were crossing lanes at a stoplight to go into a mcdonalds and a truck driver motioned us over and i guess didn't see the car coming in the turn lane. so bam!!!our car almost flipped over but a van that was going out the entrance saved us from totally flipping onto the roof! anyhow...I'm hurting a little and james is fine . jake is okay too. but that was the worst thing i have ever experienced as a mom was to hear my little baby screaming and not knowing if he was okay. he was just scared. the car seat was secured firmly so that it didn't move that much. we walked away thanking God of his protection on all of us and knowing it could have been much worse. It was really neat to see so much evidences of grace in james and my life that in the past we would have been tempted to ask God ''why us?'' but as we walked away all okay we just were very aware of Gods immense grace and mercy on us!!!

soooo, james made the decision to stick with the vacation and stay and not go home. I'm so glad he did because we got in some very good conversations and caught up with each other during these last 9 months. i loved just being with him for 5 days without meetings, phone calls,and school! it was neat to see jake and james have unlimited time to ''roughhouse''. on the last day we took the golf cart out and ran out of power, so james had to push the golf cart all the way home with us in it ! what a servant!!!! It was actually quite funny(to me anyhow :)

so this vacation didn't go quite how i dreamed it was going to be, but i am learning that maby i should be more flexible with my plans versus God's plans, besides, we got to be a family and spend a lot of time together, not to mention some pretty interesting/exciting memories to look back on!

maby next time we will try charleston!!!!!!!

here are some pics and, oh yeah...jake has two teeth!!!!


Denise said...

Sounds like a lot of memories were made! It's good to hear you guys were ok, that accident could have been soooo bad. Jonathan recently got in an acident in Atlanta with the same kind of situation - left turn over 2 lanes of traffic, guy in 1st lane waves him over, guy in 2nd lane hits him. :( The ironic part? Jonathan & I were driving separate & were actually turning INTO the body shop to get work done on the Mustang. We ended up leaving the Explorer instead. :/ I'm glad you guys were able to have good attitudes about it & still enjoy your vacation. We've had sooo many times to "make memories" when outward situations looked a bit sour!

Spirit of Adoption said...

Hey! I didn't hear about your cousin until Sunday at church when I asked Julie if she knew why ya'll had been MIA!!! I'm SOOOOO sorry!!! I can't imagine how that must've been (and still is) for their family!!! I'm sure y'all have been a huge encouragement to their hearts!

And as I read your post...I just started crying...at the mercies of our LORD! PRAISE HIM that ya'll are OK!!! I CANNOT imagine what it was like to hear Jake crying and not knowing if he was OK or not, but praising the LORD for the mercies of continued life!!!!! We rejoice with you in that!

Jeanie said...

So glad you are back. Praise God for his protection!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I'm glad you guys were okay. Its really hard when vacations don't go as hoped.

Rebecca said...

Hi Friend! Thank the Lord you are all ok after the accident...those things can be quite scary, and I can only imagine with a baby in the car.

When we went to Charleston for our 1st anniversary trip, it didn't go at all according to plan, between getting caught and lost in a downpour, me getting sick, and getting into a big fight while we were there...we weren't laughing about it at the time, but now we look back and smile. I think the vacations that DON'T go according to plan are even more memorable than the ones that do!