Saturday, April 26, 2008

I finally gave in....

....and let him play in the rain puddles
now of course I regret cause he makes a bee line for the puddles every time after it rains.


Robin said...

Awwww come on Meaghan!!!! He's a boy....mud and worms and dirt and bugs and all that good stuff!!! Let him enjoy it before he doesn't anymore!!!

3orange1blonde said...

Oh man! I looked at this yesterday and forgot to comment. He is just the most precious thing ever. I mean, look at that shiny hair and beautiful mouth..let me kiss it! Oh, what a sweetie! Have a hundred more!!

Madeira girl said...

Ha! I looked at the first picture and thought you had given in to allowing him to wear a GAP shirt. I should have known better!:) These will be fond memories. How are you doing? I miss you!

Anonymous said...

he don't need to play in
the water he needs to stay
outta there
and he don't need to play in that water that looks dirty i would not let my
kid play in there
that's if i has some kids
that boy would of gotin sick and ya'll needs keep that kid outta that water
and that not for a kid to play in there if that were
my kid i would of told him
to stay outta that water