Saturday, June 2, 2007


We have been very busy lately here in the Hasty house! In the past 2 weeks, we have dog sat for Stella Nilson and Merlin(Godiva's brother). I will include some pics of Stella. Godiva and her were the bestest buds and played the WHOLE time she was here! They even took naps together on Godiva's bed! so cute! We also started car hunting since we found out our car was being totaled! James attended his very LAST day at school today!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoooray! now just to study for the big test in July! It is SO GOOD to have my husband back!
My little Jake, my what a young man he is becoming! The other day he had his first major anger fit over daddy feeding him and not momnmy! It was then that I realized training had begun!!!!!!Oh how the baby faze quickly comes and goes! I am confident that God will give us as parents huge amounts of grace and wisdom to train our little man in the ways of Christ.
Jake has been so fun lately(even through the temper parts:) He still is a very happy boy. His favorite things include:
1. HIS MOMMY!!!!!(I'm so serious! he's totally a momma's boy!)
2.daddy play time
3.Godiva greeting him when he wakes up
4.Ritz crackers
5.drinking from a cup.....NOT a silly baby sippy cup!
6.nursing times
7.being naked
8.hearing the water run for his bath...he gets ssssoooo excited he starts to squeal! car keys he seems to want above ANYTHING else! so they seem to be always full of drool.
10.the sunshine song and the zacchius song... he LOVES those two songs!
11. trying to get stranger's attention with the chuckie face/nose snort!
Also I would like to congratulate my dear sis with getting engaged!!!!!!
Her wedding is in December and i am her matron of honor.I am so very honored! I love you autumn and can't wait to see you again!!!!She lives in Colorado so i don't get to see her far enough.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your list of Jake's favorites! I keep meaning to write one for Isaiah just so I can remember what he likes at this stage. Glad to see pictures too! He's a cute little man!