Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Pioneer Woman

Okay...I'm sooo excited about stumbling across this website finding food recipe's for Thanksgiving......www.thepioneerwoman.com
This lady takes pictures of EVERY STEP of a recipe she gives out...totally awesome!!! AND she homeschools AND she is funny AND she is an amateur photographer that shows how she edits and changes her pictures right there for you to learn how to do(if you have the right equipment).
Granted, her recipes don't seem to be that healthy, but they sure sound good! I'm going to make her creamy mashed potatoes loaded with butter and all sorts of fat laden ingredients for thanksgiving(did I mention I'm trying to lose weight?;)

I don't give many props to websites, movies, politicians,etc.on my blog if I haven't really researched those things thoroughly, but I reallllyyyy like her cooking section and how the pictures never find you confused with the recipe instructions....LOVE IT!!!


3orange1blonde said...

thanks for the tip..I'll check it out.

Unknown said...

Hey girl! I love her site too! So fun! So helpful! Your boys are adorable! Lets get together soon!